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Your life does not get better by chance,

it gets better by change

Holistic Life Coaching is perfect for you if..

✔  You have a problematic state of mind and you are looking for outside support and guidance.

✔  You need help in dealing with stress, pressures or the emotional drain. You feel stuck or procrastinate taking action.

✔  You want to let go of the struggles and have a new approach to making things right.

Who should consider coaching?

You could be a student, adult, parent, business owner, executive, manager, actor, doctor, sportsperson, teacher, therapist etc. i.e. any kind of a person seeking a positive change.

In a coaching program, a relationship of trust is established. The discussions are confidential and non-judgemental. As a Certified Life Coach, it is my responsibility to understand and observe. I steer you from the problematic state of mind to a resourceful-positive state of mind. Working with a coach is like having a compass in life. I am just the enabler – the needle in the compass.

I guide you to get clarity and provide the right motivation to walk the path. The coaching consultations help to keep a check on the thoughts and focus on the goals to maximize your potential. At times, the goals may have to be appropriately re-defined. Thus, as a Coach, I enable you to see, accept, act and succeed with ease.

I simply make you see the possible solutions but the decision of taking action is still with you. You are still in full control of your life.

The coaching clientele list comprises people starting from school students, teens, adults, senior citizens and working professionals.


How Life Coaching can help you

➡   Overcome Self-doubts and limiting beliefs
➡   I Can’t to I Can – i.e. Harness your true potential
➡   Define and achieve your goals with clarity
➡   Help in career selection, important life transitions and growth
➡   Improve rapport and relationships
➡   Work on things that you are passionate on
➡   Constructive Personal and Professional Development
➡   Obtaining your work-life balance
➡   Physical, Mental and Social well being

One on One Coaching-Consultation process

1) Identify, clarify and set the goals with commitment
2) If required, redefine to set achievable goals
3) Assess the different aspects of the current and desired situation
4) Accept the reality
5) Have action-oriented strategies and plans
6) Act with responsibility and accountability
7) Monitor progress and modify as required

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