✔ You are feeling lost, having a sense of restlessness, feeling low
✔ Are unable to deal with life challenges, want better health.
✔ Simply searching for means of spiritual growth.
Your Mind is your instrument.
Learn to be its master, not its slave.
Meditation is perfect for you if...
Who should consider learning or doing Meditations?
There is no age, gender or professional restriction to learn Reiki. Everyone can meditate and seek its benefits.
Meditation is not about becoming Buddha or attaining Nirvana. It’s a process, it’s sadhana. It’s about becoming more aware and getting a better sense of things and understandings.
It’s about just being there as an observer. It’s an ability to be present in here and now, at the moment and be fully engaged in it.
The ways and means of meditation may differ with different people. That’s OK. What’s most important is consistency in doing the meditation to reach the destination.
An example of meditating in a fun-filled way is our Doodle Fun Therapy. We are actively immersed in doodle making and drawing patterns of a certain style to be more creative, get clarity, calm down and also get into zen mode.

How can Meditating Help
➡ Connects the mind and body
➡ Calm the mind and relaxes the body
➡ Increases Self Awareness
➡ Improves attention span and creativity
➡ Focused mind leads to increased productivity
➡ Decrease emotional reactivity, stress, anxiety and depression
➡ Revitalising/ Rejuvenating
➡ Improve mental, physical and spiritual health.
I always thought I could never meditate. It was very difficult for me to sit in one place. Now I find it easy and more so, I can have my own way of meditating. The tips on meditations are simply easy to follow. I shall practise same daily. Thank you Hemangi Madam.
Mr. Umesh S
~A Sales professional
I have been into spiritual learnings my entire life. I truly respect Hemangi madam. She has taught me Reiki and meditation techniques. She is a very easy going person and has answers for all the questions. I instantly connected with her. She is my Guru and I look forward to learn more from her in days to come .
Mr. Yogesh kursude
~President, Ayush medical Association
Thank you for conducting the sessions in Marathi. I found it very easy to understand and connect with self. I now truly accept that I am responsible for all the changes in life. Your session has helped me connect with myself better and also believe in myself. Thank you. I look forward to more of your sessions.
Mr. Nikhil Raut
~Social Media manager
The tips given were very useful. I shall practice in my day-to-day life. Also, the realization that I got about myself was an eye-opener. Thank you for such a beautiful experience.”<br />
Ms. Asha Toshniwal
~A housewife
The session was very simple to follow. Hemangi is a sincere and dedicated professional. Very friendly and helpful. Soft-spoken. She practices what she teaches. Hemangi has vast knowledge and experience. Wish her all the best.<br />
Mr. Vijay R
~An IT Professional
We wanted to conduct meditation workshops in Marathi and Hindi. I found madam's teachings very simple. She was able to answer the queries of people and give suggestions to meditate in different and simple ways. We all like her sessions and look forward to many more of these sessions<br />
Mr. Pavan Gadre
~An IT professional