Rise and Shine Life Guidance Cards – 99 Cards Deck


These cards are non tearable, long lasting, easy to use and pocket size. You can also use them as your daily divine messages cards.

One often searches for guidance or a perspective in different ways of life…
Life is said to be simple and simple is considered as complex. Thats the beauty of life. When we are unable to see resources or means to achieveour goals, we feel lost and confused.
At times, we simply need a guidance or re-assurance on our thoughts and beliefs. These Guidance cards are simple and easy to interpret. The cards can help you in all areas of your life, including love and relationships, business matters and even career changes.

How to use the cards:

1.Hold the cards in your hand for 5-10 secs.
2.Think of an area of your life that you seek clarity on.
3.Just shuffle and choose a card from the deck. It’s the energetic answer that you seek.
4.Now with the thought of how you can follow the guidance of card 1, chose another card. This card is the answer for the steps to go about.
5.If required pull one more card to get more clarity on next steps.
6.Stop after 3 drawings


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